Reliable Rebuilders carries new and rebuilt parts for heavy equipment,
including hydraulic cylinders, pumps, valves, motors, hoses and fittings.
Reliable Rebuilders Ltd
420-42ND Street SW
Salmon Arm, BC, Canada, V1E 2Y9
Phone: 250-832-5189 Fax: 250-804-2042
We are also a distributor for Meyers Snow Plows and service all other makes.
We stock new parts:
- Packings
- O rings
- Myers parts
- Hydraulic hoses
- Hydraulic fittings
We stock new & rebuilt parts:
- Cylinders
- Pumps
- Motors
- Engines
- Transmissions
- Valves
Email: for prices and/or more information.
Click on the photos below to enlarge them.
Call us first - if we don't have it, can't build it or repair it, we'll find it.
Reliable Rebuilders Ltd
420-42ND Street SW
Salmon Arm, BC, Canada, V1E 2Y9
Phone: 250-832-5189 Fax: 250-804-2042
